The files listed below are suitable for use with JK microsystems products.

contains the WATTCP TCP/IP stack source code and example code.
is an example of how to communicate with a POP3 mail server and send e-mail.
(2.5meg) is a set of files that will allow use of WATTCP with a dial-up PPP connection to the Internet. Source code is included. This driver will work with the FlashLite186 as well as our 386ex based controllers. Due to configuration issues beyond our control, we cannot provide support for this package.
is a TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) server for WatTCP.
is a set of files that will allow use of WATTCP with a dial-up PPP connection to the Internet. Due to configuration issues beyond our countrol, we cannot provide support for this package.
is an example program that sends UDP packets.
This copy of ping is recomplied with current WATTCP source and works with dhcp.